Your Wellness Platform Connecting Patient & Provider

About American Vitality Network

American Vitality is a concierge holistic wellness provider network dedicated to giving patients convenient access to integrative and holistic medical treatment. The American Vitality team is with you every step of the way from registration and medical intake to ensuring your medication is delivered to your door and providing treatment oversight.  We combine customer service with medicine, using cutting-edge science and technology to improve our patients’ health and well-being.  Chat with us to learn about how you can get more out of life with American Vitality Network.

Optimize Health and Living

Enclomiphene Therapy

Enclomiphene Therapy

Enclomiphene therapy is a safe and effective alternative to testosterone replacement that... 

Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Semaglutide medications are used along with and individualized low calorie, low fat...